There is Room for You


Last week I made a post to IG stories that read, “there is room for you.” That sentence rang through my mind and Instagram feed day after day until MilkShake launched. It was a constant reminder for me to keep going, to keep pursuing my business no matter how saturated I thought the market was. This was definitely a fight because I had seen a lot of activewear businesses launching and the more I saw, the more I procrastinated. 

During one of my moments of almost talking myself out of starting my business, someone put up a post that said, “there is room for you.” She went on to point out how many different soap brands there are, shampoo & conditioners, makeup brands, car dealerships and hair salons. Her point was to not worry about how many people are doing the same thing you are doing, and to just start the business anyway. This reminder continued to come to me through multiple close confidants who knew what I was working on. 

Now at almost six months into business that statement is still fuel for my fire. I wanted to share this in hopes that it will also be fuel for your fire. No matter what the pursuit is for you, remember that “there is room for you.” There may be multiple businesses of the same type but they are not being run/owned by you. You are the unique factor. Continue to be you and put all of you into whatever you are working on. This world needs what you have to offer! 

Melissa Pearson